Monday, December 9, 2019

Mainlanders (外省人)

Trailer: A Documentary Film of the Chinese Veteran, Liu Pi-Chia : Stone Dream (人類學家胡台麗的紀錄片:石頭夢-- 外省老兵 劉必稼 )

Military Dependents' Village (眷村)

Legal example: Forty Four South Village in Taipei (四四南村)
Picture is from Wikimedia Commons
Four Four South Village

Illegal example: Treasure Hill Community(Built themselves on the government's land without permission, 寶藏巖聚落)
Treasure Hill 06
Picture is from Wikimedia Commons
Treasure Hill

Treasure Hill Artist Village

Rainbow Village: Sadness and Beauty

97-Year-Old Grandpa Saves Village by Painting Buildings with Colorful Art

Heart Village in New-Peitou, Taipei (中心新村)
Heart Village is located in Forest Water District, also in the middle of the New-Peitou section. The area of the village is about 13 hm2. The native village dwellers were 79 military dependents families. One of the families is Muslim. There is a unique public bathroom, which in people taking their toiletries and showering. It belongs to the Ministry of National Defense, nearby the Peitou hospital, which was a hot-spring sanatorium in the Japanese colonial period. Peitou hospital had been a psychiatric hospital since 1960s.
Peitou is pronounced by the indigenous Ketangalan meaning the witch. In the late 19th century, Ouely, German, had operated the first hot-spring spa club in New-Peitou. After governance by Japan, a Japanese general had gone to the club while he caught illness and recovered. Hos-spring had been well-known. Japanese Military had bought the land ownership throughout New-Peitou area, almost 7 million foots. When overcome Taiwan Black Death, Military Hospital and hot-spring sanatorium had set up. The hospital had been famous on the war of 1904-1905 between Russia and Japan.
After Taiwan Retroration, Taiwan Provincial Governor's Office and International Red Cross came to receive properties and facilities, including the Military Hospital. The officers had lived in some houses and set up the Heart Village. In that times, the society diffused post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); therefore, the Peitou hospital had founded psychiatric health. Mr. Zhu, one of the director of this hospital had elected to be the first village head. The architecture of Heart Village are 3 categories; the first one is part of Military Hospital taken over by Japanese. The second one is built in 1964, donated from Chinese Women’s League. The third one is built on dwellers’ own by superior consent.

The Mainlander's Identity Crisis

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